元記事はコチラ ▶ 千葉県鴨川市【みんなみの里】で食用菜花摘み!春の味覚を楽しもう♪(Minnami no Sato in Kamogawa, Chiba Prefecture) : “Life in 東京” 日英バイリンガルブログ
I visited Kamogawa City, Chiba Prefecture, on a press tour during the weekend of February 25-26. On the second day, we went to Minnami no Sato, where we got to handpick edible canola flowers. Please note that this activity is only available until the beginning of March — hence why I’ve made this blog entry now!

(What’s the difference between edible canola flowers and those that aren’t?)
Edible canola flowers might not sound too appetizing to some, but they’re eaten quite a lot in Japan in spring. It might be an acquired taste, as they’re a bit bitter — but once you get used to it, the chances are you’ll find yourself craving it when spring comes around 🙂
So, is there a difference between edible canola flowers and those that are enjoyed through your eyes, not by your tastebuds? As I mentioned in my last blog entry, there are different varieties of canola flowers; those that are eaten have soft leaves and are developed to be not too bitter, whereas those that are displayed around the house tend to put on many flowers and are made to last longer. They look different too — compare the picture below (of edible canola flowers) to what I posted in my last blog entry.

(Tips to handpick edible canola flowers)
レクチャー前に記念撮影☆ ちなみに、このビニール袋がいっぱいになるまで摘んで、たったの300円です。スーパーで買うより断然お得!
We were joined by members of Orca Kamogawa FC, the local female soccer club. The picture below was taken just before all of us went off to handpick canola flowers. You can fill up the plastic bag they’re holding with flowers, and it’ll only cost 300 yen. That’s much cheaper than buying a pack of canola flowers at supermarkets!

We were told not to pinch off the buds at the top, but to tear off about 10 centimeters, including all the stems and leaves around each bud.

But really, it was easier said than done. I just couldn’t get myself to do it, so there I was, struggling to literally tear off the stems using both hands. In the end, though, I went home with a bag full of canola flowers, because the guy who showed us how to handpick correctly (he was actually the director of Minnami no Sato) gave me the ones he pinched off.

(What’s the best way to eat canola flowers?)
My next question was, what’s the best way to eat canola flowers? The only recipe I could come up with was “ohitashi,” or boiled salad. But it turns out there was an even easier way to cook these flowers — just boil them and pour ponzu sauce on top!
So, that’s what I did, and here it is… It’s a wonderful bright green! When you buy a pack of canola flowers in supermarkets, you’re advised not to choose the ones that have bloomed — because those tend to be too bitter. But, the ones I got at Minnami no Sato weren’t like that at all; the ones with yellow flowers tasted just the same as those that haven’t bloomed yet. As my boyfriend, who loves to eat canola flowers, put it, the bitterness was just at the right level.

Yellow spots in a sea of green — this dish sure did brighten up our supper table
(1696 Miyayama, Kamogawa, Chiba Prefecture)
(Approx. 20 minutes on taxi from JR Kamogawa Station)
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