元記事はコチラ ▶千葉県鴨川市【菜な畑ロード】で菜の花摘み&ミニSL体験!(Nanabatake Road in Kamogawa, Chiba Prefecture): “Life in 東京” 日英バイリンガルブログ
I visited Kamogawa City, Chiba Prefecture, on the weekend of February 25-26. I’ll start out by writing about Nanabatake Road, where you get to handpick canola flowers until Sunday, March 12. Canola flower is also known as rapeseed or rape blossoms, but I’m going to avoid using these terms for obvious reasons.

(Why do canola flowers bloom in the midst of winter in Chiba?)
I was curious, so I looked it up. Kamogawa, which is located on the Boso Peninsula in southern Chiba, is right by the Pacific Ocean. The Kuroshio current runs nearby, bringing warm waters — hence why this part of Chiba has the warm maritime climate and allows all sorts of flowers, including canola flowers, to bloom in February.
(Canola flowers at Nanabatake Road are not edible)

There are different types of canola flowers — some are edible, while others are only for enjoying through your eyes, or for extracting canola oil. Here at Nanabatake Road, you get to handpick the kind that you put in a vase and enjoy its lovely sight. As you can see from the picture above, these flowers are quite tall, reaching the height of an adult’s hip.
The cost is 150 yen/ten stalks. They rent out rubber boots (of course, there’s children’s size too) and scissors for free, so there really isn’t anything you need to bring. If you’re allergic to pollen though, be sure to put on masks.

I saw many couples while I was there. There were families too, which grandparents, parents and children all busy at choosing which stalks to cut and take home. But it might be wise to watch out for honey bees — there were quite a lot of them flying around, pollinating flowers.

(Board the mini locomotive for added fun)
Starting this year, Nanabatake Road has another exciting feature — mini locomotive! If you’d like to bring kids who aren’t necessarily interested in flowers but are in love with trains, then by all means make them check out this little train! What’s fun is, it’s quite realistic, using coal as fuel. It costs 200 yen per ride.

I actually went on one, and to be honest, it’s quite thrilling — because the tracks are pretty narrow. But, if you hold onto the bar in front of you with both hands, everything will be fine (I wouldn’t recommend copying what I’m doing in the picture below — grasping the bar with one hand, taking pictures with another). The wind blowing toward my face felt soothing!

Event the sound of the crossing gate was real. Of course, there weren’t any railroad crossing.

Unfortunately though, the mini locomotive won’t run again until next spring. If you’re interested, please check back early next year. The contact information is listed at the bottom of this blog entry.
(Shop for edible canola flowers and other farm products)
Being surrounded by canola flowers, it’s understandable if you start to feel like you’d like to eat some. If so, visit a small store located near the entrance to the flower field. Here, you can buy a pack of edible canola flowers for… just 100 yen!

For people who don’t have time to handpick flowers but want to bring back some, the store sells ones that are ready-to-take-home, neatly wrapped up in newspapers. Again, the price is 150 yen for ten stalks. You can also find various other kinds of flowers for sale here.

Spring is just around the corner, but if you’re dying to get a taste of spring right now, check out the Nanabatake Road. You’d have to wait until next year to board the mini locomotive, but canola flowers are available until Sunday, March 12.
菜な畑ロード (Nanabatake Road)
千葉県 鴨川市 横渚1450(鴨川市役所そば)
(1450 Yokosuka, Kamogawa City, Chiba Prefecture; right next to the city office)
(15 minutes walk from JR Awakamogawa Station West Exit)
お問い合わせ:鴨川市観光協会 04-7092-0086
(For details, please contact: Kamogawa City Tourism Association, 04-7092-0086)
菜の花摘み体験時間 (handpicking time):9:30~15:00
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