【Japan Geographic】Murodo, Tateyama : Witness sunrise TWICE a day at 2450m

Also famous for its ~20m tall snow canyon, at 2450m, Murodo on Mt.Tateyama (立山・室堂) houses the “Hotel Tateyama (ホテル立山)”, Japan’s highest hotel. This is a rare place where you can witness sunrise behind majestic snow mountains, TWICE on the same day! On sunny mornings, the hotel offers the Sunrise Trolly Bus, which takes you from Murodo, via the Tateyama Tunnel to the Daikanbo (大観峰) sunrise View Deck.

The 1st sunset at Daikanbo View Deck

Tateyama tunnel Trolley Bus
At Murodo Trolley Bus Station
Tateyama tunnel Trolley Bus
On the trolly bus

Based on weather forecasts, the hotel decides every evening to run the bus or not. Simply check with the Concierge before you sleep. Once signed in, the hotel morning calls you about 20 minutes before the bus departs. In Summer this means around 3am!! It takes a little will power to wake up under an atmospheric pressure of 760hPa (Instead of the normal 1010~1030hPa), but as you will see, it is worth it! Trolley buses are regarded as trains, which also makes the Murodo Station the highest station in Japan!

Moments before sunrise

10 minutes from Murodo, the Daikanbo Station is itself special, carved into a cliff hanging over a breathtaking glacial cliff, this is the best place to enjoy the best view of the Tateyama Mountains, often seen rising above the endless sea of clouds, if it happens to be a clear day, the Kurobe Dam with its Emerald-green Kurobe Lake stands out of rocky foothills, the gem of Tateyama.

Misty sunrise at Daikanbo

The clouds on this day happens to be a little higher than usual and this is what we saw, the sun was blocked (But still beautiful) but clouds were clearly sinking, the steep summit between Murodo and Daikanbo means sunrise can be about 30 minutes apart, thanks to the tunnel you get a second shot: the bus is right there to take you back and you still have about 15 minutes to look for your prefect spot..

The 2nd sunset at The Murodo Footpath

Sunrise viewed from The Murodo Footpath

While it is possible to see sunrise pretty much anywhere in Murodo, At the back of the hotel is a footpath that leads to a small lake called Mikurigaike (みくりが池), about 10 minutes down this path you will see a panoramic view of the three sacred summits, Oyama(雄山), Oo-Nanji-Yama(大汝山)and Fuji-no-Oritate(富士の折立), the ridge where sun rises. Enjoy! While you wait, do look for Japanese Ptarmigans that are hardly seen elsewhere in the country!

Japanese Ptarmigan

Sunrise times are posted at the concierge and the lounge, sunrise buses runs at about 1/3 chance, just check and buy tickets before bed time!

Hotel data

Name Hotel Tateyama
Location Ashikura-Ji Murodo, Tateyama Machi, Nakaniigawa-Gun, Toyama, Japan
Website Official Homepage
Train/Bus Tateyama Alpine Route can be accessed from TATEYAMA Stn, Toyama Chihou Tetsudou
By car Tateyama parking area : 25km from Hokuriku Motorway Tateyama Interchange
Ougisawa parking area : 40km from Nagano Motorway Adano Interchange
Parking Tateyama Station Parking(900 Vehicles, 600 Additional during peak season, Free)
Oogisawa Parking(350/Toll 、230/Free、600~800 Additional during peak season/Toll)
Contact TEL:076-463-3345/FAX:076-463-3348
Information subject to change

Special thanks/Toyama Tourism Bureau、Hotel Tateyama、Tateyama Kurobe Kankou









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1986年香港うまれ、16歳からイギリス留学。インペリアル学院で院卒し、今は香港HKBUで遺伝子学を研究しつつ、3カ国語や理系・プログラミング・AI知識を生かして、日本関連の企業・法人・政府機関等にニッチな英日中通訳及びコンサルティングを提供しています。 今まで訪れた日本の都道府県は35、それらを香港中心に紹介しようと記者デビューを果たし、現在、朝日新聞系中国・台湾向けネットメディア『潮日本』などに執筆中。
一名研究生,香港人。本職Data Scientist/Bioinformatics。同時是中英日翻譯,為日本公司,企業,政府等提供翻譯及顧問服務,同時提供作爲Python Programmer的技術顧問。 赴日工作期間,誤打誤撞下認識一班愛好旅游的日本損友,一起借日本人的角度,探索日本鮮爲人知的一面,中文媒體【潮日本】,日本【ニッポン旅マガジン】間中會看到我的文章!
I am a Hong Kong based, Research student, Data scientist, Professional Japanese Interpreter and trilingual travel writer. Away from well known trails and crowded shrines, I travel off the beaten path to uncover hidden curiosities of this beautiful country... All these while I should be writing my Thesis at home...

